Playing With NuSOAP

I spent two working days to find a reason why my PHP SOAP client doesn’t connect to the Perl SOAP server. As PHP SOAP implementation I use NuSOAP. I chose it because the SOAP client is needed for SugarCRM and NuSOAP is already included there.
I created client like that:

$client = new soapclient('');

and then I called a simple method:

$result = $client->call('ping', array('pars' => 'Hi there!'), '');

I didn’t see any errors after that. I tried to switch on debug mode:

$soapclient->debug_flag = true;
. . .
echo 'Debug log: '.$soapclient->debug_str."\n";

and see request and responce:

echo 'Request: '.$soapclient->request."\n";
echo 'Response: '.$soapclient->response."\n";

Maybe I did somthing wrong but I couldn’t see anything! I captured the request and response using Ethereal. It showed me following response:

Application failed during request deserialization:
no element found at line 1, column 0, byte -1 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i386-linux/XML/ line 193

I dived into and SOAP::Lite and found there was not XML content in the request (a Perl client works without any problems). I realy didn’t understand why it was not work correctly.
After some time I gave a guess what if I add some path in the proxy URL like that:

$client = new soapclient('');

And oh miracle! It worked! My PHP client reseived a correct response! Unfortunatelly, I don’t know what the difference between proxy URL with some path and without for NuSOAP client. Maybe somebody can explain me?

Published by

Michael Stepanov

Site owner and admin :)

2 thoughts on “Playing With NuSOAP”

  1. Imho you should at least add trailing slash in the first URL so the string
    client = new soapclient(‘’);
    must looks like
    client = new soapclient(‘’);

    That’s because nusoap uses parse_url() function to parse this string and in the first case this function doesn’t return ‘path’ value ’cause there’s no path. Later the POST request is constructed using the following code:
    $this->outgoing_payload = “POST $this->path HTTP/1.0\r\n”;
    so we don’t have any path from parse_url() we have invalid request:
    POST HTTP/1.0

    I think that is the problem. Try to end your endpoint string with only slash instead if the /soap string to see if I’m right in this case.

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