Fixing color issue in Fedora 26, Chrome and external monitor

If you use Chrome version 62 under Fedora 26 and realize the blue color becomes purple on your external monitor (laptop screen is fine) then welcome to the club! My first guessing was cable – changed it with the same result, then tried different monitors with different connection methods – VGA, HDMI, USB. No luck. Then I spent some time to check my video card, google similar problem. But suddenly I put Firefox to the same external monitor and found blue color as a blue!

So, card is fine, monitor and cable are fine too. The problem with some weird settings of Chrome. Using this Reddit thread I found solution:

  • Open new tab and type there chrome://flags
  • Find option “Force color profile” and set it to “sRGB”
  • Restart Chrome and enjoy blue as blue 🙂

Trick with variable name transformation in CakePHP

CakePHP is a good PHP MVC framework. You can study it easily and start developing web sites very fast. But it has some disadvantages, of course. One of them is strange rules for transformation variable name when it set in the controller. Statement

$my_var = 'Hello world!';
$this->set('my_var', $my_var);

will make the variable $my_var accessible in your view:
<?php echo $my_var; ?>
The phrase ‘Hello world!’ should appear on the web page. But if the same operation is done using function compact, the result is not predictable:
$my_var = 'Hello world!';

Instead of ‘Hello world!’ you’ll see the warning about undefined variable on your web page. It happens because cakePHP removes underscore and makes letter, followed by it, capital. So, instead of $my_var you should use $myVar in the view:
<?php echo $myVar; ?>

Note that this bug appears in the cakePHP version 1.2. It’s already fixed in the 1.3.