Good stuff for beer lovers

What is the best present for the beer fans? Special kind of beer or glass? Tour to Munich? Sure, those things are good. But there is another one – beer kit Mr. Beer. It can give you inexpensive way to produce your own beer. Except cognitive component it should be very tasty.

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DIY: Turn Your iPod Touch Into an e-book

If you’d like to use your iPod Touch as e-book the following DIY solution might be useful for you. Detailed video instructions after jump.

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Elegant way to hide power cables

BlueLonge offers a simple and elegant way to hide power cables and surge protectors. It’s is a Cablebox. It has stylish design and available in black and white colors. Cablebox can be pre-ordered just for $29.95. I think I’ll buy the Cablebox. But if BlueLonge doesn’t make shipping to Cyprus I’ll find something similar in some DIY shop and will use it. Thanks to it […]

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DIY: Funny speakers

YankoDesign gives a cool idea how to do original speakers looked very funny and positive. Just follow by its instructions and all your friends will envy you 🙂

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Organize devices on the desk

After we moved to the new flat I decided to put my computer devices more efficient on the my small desk. I followed by brief guide of Van Mardian and mounted an ADSL modem and WiFi router under my desk. I don’t have so much devices which can be mount such manner but I got some free space on the desk. The next step is […]

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