Happy New Year! All the best!

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Happy New Year!

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Came back from London

Yesterday we came back from our four days holiday in London. We had amazing time. Big Ben, The Houses Of Parliament, London Eye, Tower Bridge … We walked by morning London and saw Buckingham palace without crowd surrounded it. The St James park is also amazing in the morning time. The weather was nice – it was sunny for two days and just a bit […]

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Big maintenance in next Saturday

After a few days booting my home PC with errors in the filesystem I decided to do a big re-installation. Currently I have two HDDs: one with Windows XP and another – with Kubuntu 7.04 and LinuxMCE 0704. The hard drive with Kubuntu is too old and it has some bad blocks. So, I bought a new HDD and scheduled on next Saturday re-install everything […]

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Moving to WordPress 2.3.1

Today I moved my blog to the latest version of WordPress 2.3.1. I was afraid a bit to do that immediately right after release. Because the 2.3.1 includes a native support of tags. But I, as many other bloggers, used plug-in “Ultimate Tag Warrior”. So, I’d like to have some tool to import them. I red that post written by Leonid Mamchenkov and decided to […]

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Vacations, vacations, vacations!

Finally, I got my yearly vacations! Next two weeks I and Maria are going to take a rest in St. Petersburg, Russia. That year was extremely hard for both work and private life. So, we merited a good relaxation! Hope I’ll be a chance to take some nice photos. I’ll share them via our Picasa album. So, stay tune!

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Site update

I moved to the new hosting last week. It was difficult a bit because the hosting has a good graphical interface but extremely pure shell. I prefer do everything related with my blogs via shell because it’s much faster than GUI. But in that case I spent some time to dump my database back (via GUI it took a lot of time with my home […]

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New blog face

Recently I upgraded my WordPress blog up to 2.1.3. Right after that I decided to change its theme. I spent many hours to look at newest WordPress themes. Then I tried to apply some interesting ones to my blog. Finally, I chose this theme. It looks nice, clear and modern. So, I moved all customizations from the previous one and I hope it works correctly.

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