Upgrade Kubuntu from 7.04 to 7.10

Since a coming version of LinuxMCE will be based on Kubuntu 7.10 I started thinking about upgrade my home PC. I found this manual explained how to do an upgrade using a package manager. I played a bit with Kubuntu installed under VMware and couldn’t upgrade successful. Adopt manager crashed every time when the text of agreements should be displayed. GNOM update manager didn’t detect […]

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Proxy definition for APT

Recently when I started to upgrade Kubuntu from 7.04 to 7.10 using Adopt manager I faced with problem. It doesn’t get proxy setting from the system. To solve that a following line should be added into file /etc/apt/apt.conf (you have to create it if it doesn’t exist): Acquire::http::Proxy “http://user:password@proxy_URL:proxy_Port”; User name and password can be omitted if you don’t use them.

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Meet Werewolf

Today I upgraded my work PC up to Fedora 8 (Werewolf). Unlike previous upgrades I tried to use yum. I run the procedure according to Upgrading Fedora Using Yum. It took about 3 – 4 hours and finished successfully. After rebooting I just install a plug-in to listen MP3 yum update alsa-plugins-pulseaudio and patched VMWave to build vmnet on post 2.6.23 kernels. That’s it! Enjoying […]

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Upgraded to WordPress 2.2

I upgraded Smart Home Blog to the latest version of WordPress 2.2. As usual the upgrade procedure is extremely easy. But there were a few troubles with that version. 1. Dashboard didn’t work properly. It gave a error You don’t have permission to access /wp-admin/index-extra.php on this server. The solution is to create a file .htaccess in the directory wp-admin and add there following lines: […]

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Back to OS 2005

Recently I decided to upgrade my Nokia 770 up to OS 2006. The procedure of upgrade is very simple. There is a Windows utility which make this procedure easily for Windows guys. But you can use flasher under Linux as well. My first impression of OS 2006 is very positive. It looks much better than OS 2005. But the most significant change is an application […]

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