Upgraded to WordPress 2.2

I upgraded Smart Home Blog to the latest version of WordPress 2.2. As usual the upgrade procedure is extremely easy. But there were a few troubles with that version.

1. Dashboard didn’t work properly. It gave a error
You don't have permission to access /wp-admin/index-extra.php on this server.
The solution is to create a file .htaccess in the directory wp-admin and add there following lines:
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterInheritance Off

2. I use excellent plugin Flickr Photo Album which allows to insert photos from Flickr into your posts. So, after upgrade the image upload form disappeared.

Solution: change the line 208 from wp-content/plugins/silaspartners/flickr/class-admin.php
if (!ereg(’^2.1′, get_bloginfo(’version’))) {


if (!ereg(’^2.2′, get_bloginfo(’version’))) {

3. Post preview area was removed. Instead of that the new link ‘Preview’ was added right after form controls. It opens the post in the new window. IMHO, this is not the best improvement in that version. Personally, I prefer the old preview functionality.

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