Nokia770 in the latest blockbusters

Nokia77 is used in Live Free or Die Hard by hackers. Good to see something different then MacBook or Sony Vaio. P. S. Engadget announced a new action – send a screen grabs of real-world gadgets you’ve seen in today’s movies and TV to screengrabs at engadget dt com. [via Engadget]

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Case for Nokia770

Recently I found this nice leather case for Nokia770. Sure it has its own metal cover but maybe this case will be also appropriate for all Nokia770 owners. It’s just $38.99.

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Amusing application of Nokia770

Nokia770 is the best Nokia’s product. It might be used in different manner. For example, as a head of Puppybot: This latest bot that we’ve spotted combines the utility of a Nokia 770 Internet Tablet with the personality (and body) of a robot puppy dog. Apparently you can control its movements by using another tablet, and it’ll even update its facial expressions to reflect whatever […]

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Nokia 870 spy shot

Nokia 770 is very popular now. IMHO, it’s the best product of Nokia. So, it’s reasonable that Nokia decided to release next version of Internet Tablet. The new model – Nokia 870, will have a built-in webcam, which can apparently rotate to face towards or away from the user, 180 MB internal memory and SD slot instead of RS-MMC. Internally it’ll be still 770 and […]

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Application Catalog 2006: MPlayer

Now you can watch video on your Nokia 770 using mplayer: Port Page Current Version: 1.0pre8-maemo.4 Repository Downloads You can discuss about maemo port of mplayer here.

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Application Catalog 2006: Minimo/Mozilla Web Browser

MiniMo (Mini Mozilla) Web browser is a slimmed down version of mozilla browser aiming resource reduced devices. It runs the same engine as Firefox 1.5.x, and works for most site opera does not: Home Page Download Repository

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Nokia 770 Application Catalog 2006: Xournal

Yet another useful application for your Nokia 770 – Xournal: Xournal is an application for notetaking, sketching, keeping a journal using a stylus. It is free software (GNU GPL) and runs on Linux (recent distributions) and other GTK+/Gnome platforms. It is similar to Microsoft Windows Journal or to other alternatives such as Jarnal and Gournal. Home Page Screenshots Repository

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Nokia 770 Laptop Conversion

I came across this howto which describes a way to convert your small Nokia 770 into laptop. The idea is good but what the meaning to buy Nokia if you need a laptop? I agree that it’s useful to have external keyboard but no more than it (IMHO). But anyway maybe it’ll be helpful for someone who has different opinion 🙂

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