Fixing color issue in Fedora 26, Chrome and external monitor

Fixing color issue in Fedora 26, Chrome and external monitor

If you use Chrome version 62 under Fedora 26 and realize the blue color becomes purple on your external monitor (laptop screen is fine) then welcome to the club! My first guessing was cable – changed it with the same result, then tried different monitors with different connection methods – VGA, HDMI, USB. No luck. Then I spent some time to check my video card, […]

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Configure Juniper VPN connection on Fedora 15

Recently I spent a few hours to configure VPN connection using Juniper on my Fedora 15 laptop. Actually there is nothing difficult. But I’d like to mention to one nuance. Looks like Juniper doesn’t work with openJDK Firefox plugin. It needs Sun/Oracle only! Otherwise VPN connection will be terminated immediately after start without any errors or warnings. So, here a few simple steps to configure […]

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KDE 4.1 useful tips and tricks

Preface When I tried KDE 4.0 first time a few monthes ago I was very disappointed. The system was absolutely unusable. Mainly it was the reason why I didn’t upgrade my Fedora to version 9. But after 10 was released I decided to make an upgrade. I thought that KDE 4.1 should be better. It’s really better but to setup my accustomed environment I spent […]

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Meet Werewolf

Today I upgraded my work PC up to Fedora 8 (Werewolf). Unlike previous upgrades I tried to use yum. I run the procedure according to Upgrading Fedora Using Yum. It took about 3 – 4 hours and finished successfully. After rebooting I just install a plug-in to listen MP3 yum update alsa-plugins-pulseaudio and patched VMWave to build vmnet on post 2.6.23 kernels. That’s it! Enjoying […]

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Fedora Core 6 Tips and Tricks

I’d like to introduce for all who use Linux Fedora this excellent set of Fedora Core 6 Tips and Tricks. I found very useful for me tips about installation of mplayer, Macromedia Flash, IEs4Linux and MS TrueType Fonts. I spent only a few minutes to setup good looking, functional work space. There is a similar manual for Fedora Core 5.

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Fedora Core 6 and Acrobat Reader

After I loose my previous work environment I decided to install Fedora Core 6 released last month. It looks nice and works faster. But I found a big troubles with using Adobe Acrobat Reader. I downloaded RPM from Adobe site and installed it. But when I tried to open it I saw just continiusly repeated messages: expr: syntax error After five minutes of googling I […]

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Fedora Core 6 and Mactel

Fedora Core 6 will support Intel-based Macs. It’s good news espessially I need to boot Linux on Mac Mini to have possibility use it as Plutohome media director. But it should be Debian and Mini should boot from via network. Anyway, you can find a short explanation how to make Dual Booting with OS/X and Fedora Core 6. Also, Jeremy Katz reports some problems with […]

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Flash Plugin and X.Org 7.0

After upgrate my work PC to Fedora Core 5 I found that Google Analytics didn’t display any text. I left it as it was (yes, yes, I know that it’s not characterize me good side). Today I lost my patience when tried to see SmartBlog statistic. The good article – “The flash plugin and X.Org 7.0 (X11R7) font problems” helped me resolve my problem. I […]

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