From Cyprus to Lisbon

As you may know it’s a bit difficult to reach Lisbon from Cyprus. But combine two low cost airlines it’s possible to travel there without spending a lot of money. So, here is an example of the one possible route: Flight from Paphos to Rome Ciampino with Ryanair – Thursday/Sunday morning. Day in Rome – warm up before Lisbon. Shuttle bus from Ciampino to Rome […]

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Budget way to go to Madrid from Cyprus

Budget, fast and fan way to get to Madrid, Sevilia or Valencia from Cyprus: flight from Paphos to Barcelona with Ryanair, shuttle bus to Barcelona Nord Bus Station and train from Barcelona Saints Train Station. Non-stop train to Madrid is just 2.5 hours and 37EUR one way! Better to buy it via Internet in advance.

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Open air skating rink

Probably nobody is surprised by skating rink in My Mall.  But when you  see it on Municipality parking it looks really impressive!

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Scary land

A new style for landscape design 🙂

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Plant on the stones

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I love Cyprus

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Pafos sunset

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Military painted Mercedes

Cool style but might be not for that kind of cars

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