Mind the gap

Using jq to manipulate JSON in command line

Sometimes during the testing of REST API with curl in the command line, we need to process JSON from the response to present it in readable format or check a specific key or value. I used jq utility for that purpose and didn’t pay too much attention to how powerful it can be: Recently, I found this article showed many cool examples of using jq. […]

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Next.js online conference – October 27, 2020

Next.js online conference – October 27, 2020

The first Next.js global user conference will take place online October 27, 2020. It’s free for everyone. So, do not miss it if you already use Next.js or just thinking about that.

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Codemotion online tech conference – October 20-22, 2020

Codemotion online tech conference – October 20-22, 2020

The multitrack tech conference made by developers for developers Codemotion will take a place online October 20-22, 2020. Topics to be covered are: Software architecture and security Frontend and design AI and machine learning Effective developers and teams They are two types of tickets – free and 90 EUR. The paid one includes workshops, QA sessions, the ability to watch a recorded stream a week […]

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Dropbox migrated from Nginx to Envoy

Dropbox migrated from Nginx to Envoy

Recently I came across an interesting article – “How we migrated Dropbox from Nginx to Envoy”. There are a few reasons for such complex and unobvious transformation: Nginx served us well for almost a decade. But it didn’t adapt to our current development best-practices: – Our internal and (private) external APIs are gradually migrating from REST to gRPC which requires all sorts of transcoding features […]

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How to Build Your First SaaS

How to Build Your First SaaS

I remember the time when I was a part of the team to provide our web-based applications as service (SaaS). We had ideas, of course, based on our previous experience in the web development area. But it was really difficult to start. This time the situation is changed. Many web apps are SaaS-based now. And you can find not just short posts about SaaS but […]

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Move legacy PHP project to the modern Laravel ecosystem

Move legacy PHP project to the modern Laravel ecosystem

Legacy projects can be a pain – you have to not just support an old code but add new features. And at some point this may become a nightmare. However, there are many ways to upgrade it without full re-development at one time. One possible solution is to move such projects to the modern Laravel ecosystem as it’s described in this article. The idea behind […]

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React based a chatbot library

React based a chatbot library

The universal chatbot library based on React allows to create chatbots for Telegram, Slack and Facebook right now. Support of Whatsapp, Viber and VKontakte will be added soon.

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Built and Launched a Product in 14 Hours

Built and Launched a Product in 14 Hours

Many of us have pet projects we never finish. This article shows how to complete your project in 14 hours from idea to live product! Sure, your project can be more complicated and may take more time. In any case this article will be helpful in terms of services used by author as well as inspiration to bring your idea live.

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