Mind the gap

How to be more productive with Slack

Slack became a standard de-facto to communicate teams in IT area for sure. It has a lot of useful features as well as smart business decisions such HipHat acquisition. Here is a nice article with seven points which help you to be more productive using Slack. My favorite tips are reminders and giphy. Plus ability to keep track of important messages. Reminders are really excite. […]

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Allow inline line breaks for Monolog

Allow inline line breaks for Monolog

By default Monolog ignores line breaks inside debug message and puts it in one line. That’s fine for GrayLog or something similar but is not handy for me during local development. The fix is easy. Just add new Formatter with allowInlineLineBreaks option in true to your StreamHandler and enjoy formatted dumping of arrays: $logger = new Monolog\Logger(‘MyLoggerName’); $formatter = new Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter( null, // Format of […]

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Fixing color issue in Fedora 26, Chrome and external monitor

Fixing color issue in Fedora 26, Chrome and external monitor

If you use Chrome version 62 under Fedora 26 and realize the blue color becomes purple on your external monitor (laptop screen is fine) then welcome to the club! My first guessing was cable – changed it with the same result, then tried different monitors with different connection methods – VGA, HDMI, USB. No luck. Then I spent some time to check my video card, […]

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Hide up/down arrows on inputs with type=”number”

Hide up/down arrows on inputs with type=”number”

HTML5 brought many cool things and input type number is one of them. It allows to input only numbers from the box and there is a way to specify limits for input values. However together with those useful features it has one annoying thing – up/down arrows on the right side, embedded into field. If you don’t like them just change field type to textinput […]

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Perl Oneliner: rename files in directory recursively

Here is a very simple but efficient solution inspired by this article: find | grep IMDB | Perl -ne ‘chomp; next unless -e; $orig = $_; $move = 0; if (s/imdb_13/imdb13/) { print “move $orig to $_ …\n”; system “mv $orig $_”; }’

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Cyprus Zouk

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From Cyprus to Lisbon

As you may know it’s a bit difficult to reach Lisbon from Cyprus. But combine two low cost airlines it’s possible to travel there without spending a lot of money. So, here is an example of the one possible route: Flight from Paphos to Rome Ciampino with Ryanair – Thursday/Sunday morning. Day in Rome – warm up before Lisbon. Shuttle bus from Ciampino to Rome […]

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Budget way to go to Madrid from Cyprus

Budget, fast and fan way to get to Madrid, Sevilia or Valencia from Cyprus: flight from Paphos to Barcelona with Ryanair, shuttle bus to Barcelona Nord Bus Station and train from Barcelona Saints Train Station. Non-stop train to Madrid is just 2.5 hours and 37EUR one way! Better to buy it via Internet in advance.

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