Walk and Code

Cool solution for all programmers who should sit all day. Not sure about a quality of the code. But good physique is guarantied. You may see the short demo video after break.

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Rakudo Star is the first usable Perl 6 distribution

Yesterday the first Perl 6 distribution was released. It’s named Rakudo Star: Rakudo Star is aimed at “early adopters” of Perl 6. We know that it still has some bugs, it is far slower than it ought to be, and there are some advanced pieces of the Perl 6 language specification that aren’t implemented yet. But Rakudo Perl 6 in its current form is also […]

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Trick with variable name transformation in CakePHP

CakePHP is a good PHP MVC framework. You can study it easily and start developing web sites very fast. But it has some disadvantages, of course. One of them is strange rules for transformation variable name when it set in the controller. Statement $my_var = ‘Hello world!’; $this->set(‘my_var’, $my_var); will make the variable $my_var accessible in your view: <?php echo $my_var; ?> The phrase ‘Hello […]

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Improve Your Perl Programming

Brian Foy – the author of Mastering Perl and one of the famous perlmonks, wrote an article on the ONLAMP where described five ways to improve Perl programming: Cleaning up your code – I also hate to read unformatted code -without tabs, proper style etc. Use configuration – sure, my favorite module – Config::General. Logging – log4perl should be used in all your applications. Persistence […]

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Programming Quotations

Here is a nice collection of programming quotes: Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris. — Larry Wall or Computers are good at following instructions, but not at reading your mind. — Donald Knuth

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