Walk and Code

Cool solution for all programmers who should sit all day. Not sure about a quality of the code. But good physique is guarantied. You may see the short demo video after break.

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Choosing new mobile phone

It’s time to replace my old Nokia E65. I like that phone. Regardless its problem with alarm. So, I made decision about platform easily – Android (IMHO it’s the most perspective platform for mobile devices). But to choose the phone wasn’t so simple. The potential variants were following: HTC Desire, HTC Wildfire, Samsung Galaxy 551 and Samsung I5800 Galaxy 3. But the winner even wasn’t […]

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Good stuff for beer lovers

What is the best present for the beer fans? Special kind of beer or glass? Tour to Munich? Sure, those things are good. But there is another one – beer kit Mr. Beer. It can give you inexpensive way to produce your own beer. Except cognitive component it should be very tasty.

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Green office space

After human polluted the Earth they started think about environment friendly solutions. Here is a good example of Green Office: Each UV-resistant window pane has a blind so you can work without glare on part of the workspace but still maintain the light and view. Those are Eames Aluminum Group chairs in the original wacky green. Nice view by the way. But the chars don’t […]

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Android run on N810

Realise of Google’s mobile platform Android is one of the most coming events this year. So, Maemo geeks couldn’t ignore it. Result of their hacks is possibility to run Android on N810 (see the picture above). If you’re interested to have it on your tablet have a look that page from eLinux project wiki. At present time the eLinux.org is down. I suspect that too […]

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60 Mobile computing devices on one page

It’s better to see once then hear seven times. 60 ultra mobile devices on one page. Check it. All pictures are clickable!

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Edit your photos online

If you need to edit your photo but you don’t have Photoshop on your PC Phixr can help you do this online. It is a pretty advanced online photo editor and offers functionality similar to Photoshop Elements. Additionally, Phixr allows to import images from Flickr, Fotopic, Photobucket, Picasa, Smugmug, and Webshots, as well as from any URL and from your local hard drive. After editing […]

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Google Gears brings Web 2.0 to offline

Google released an open source toolkit for offline web apps – Google Gears: It provides 3 significant components to the browser ecosystem. A multithreaded javascript environment, which provides a restricted background taks JavaScript environment for accessing remote data source without blocking the main UI. Adding support for local data storage is a new set of javascript APIs. The storage support transactional data based on SQLite. […]

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