Fix for WP plugin Flickr Photo Album

I use the WP plugin Flickr Photo Album a few years. Together with Firefox plugin Fotofox it makes inserting procedure of images into posts very simple. However, I found a problems with that plugin recently. I couldn’t activate it anymore. The page is just reloaded and plugin’s status remained ‘Inactive’. This simple modification fixes the problem. In the file tantan-flickr/flickr/class-admin.php change add_action to register_activation_hook function […]

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Visit to Agios Neofytos Monastery

Last Sunday Maria and I visited Agios Neofytos Monastery. This amazing place is situated near to Pafos by direction to Polis. The monastery was built in the cave and later it was painted by the finest Byzantine frescoes of the 12th and 15th centuries. We took a few photos and you can see them here. But it definitely will be better to visit this place.

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New hosting for our photo album

Since I moved my blog to the new hosting out photo album is inaccessible. Initially I though to use Flickr. It’s the best place for photo sharing IMHO. Moreover, there is a WordPress pluging which allows to integrate your Flickr albums with design of your blog. But the problem with migration to the Flickr is a lack of time to process all my photos again. […]

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Moving photoalbum to the Flickr

I started thinking about moving my photo album to the Flickr. It’s good idea. Especially because Flickr offers an excellent integration with WordPress. To insert a bar with your Flickr photos into your blog you can easily use badge. Passed just six simple steps you’ll get HTML-code with customized view to insert it into blog. It may be used to notify blog-readers about your new […]

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Auto-art from St Petersburg streets

This is a small example of exotic tuning of auto which you can see on St Petersburg streets …

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