Rakudo Star is the first usable Perl 6 distribution

Yesterday the first Perl 6 distribution was released. It’s named Rakudo Star: Rakudo Star is aimed at “early adopters” of Perl 6. We know that it still has some bugs, it is far slower than it ought to be, and there are some advanced pieces of the Perl 6 language specification that aren’t implemented yet. But Rakudo Perl 6 in its current form is also […]

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IMDB::Film-0.43 is released

I just released a fresh version of IMDB::Film module to grub movie metadata from IMDB.com. There is not any new functionality in that release. Just bug fixes: fixed issue with plot retrieving; fixed retrieving of movie plot keywords; fixed parsing rating and top 250 or bottom 100 movie property; fixed issue with parsing AKA movie property; fixed bug with getting movie ID from cached paged; […]

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Perl, C++, mysql and UTF8

Recently I finished with Russian translation of LinuxMCE UI. But as I know now it was the easiest part. After addition Russian descriptions in the database I faced with problem of displaying them. I made a research and found following. To have UTF8 data in the mysql database a few steps should be done: default charset for server should be set to utf8 in the […]

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IMDB::Film v0.42 is out!

I just released a new version of IMDB::Film – 0.42. Following changes were done since previous version: added retrieving of plot keywords for the film; fixed issue with retrieving of movie’s plot contained links; fixed issue with displaying special HTML symbols; added test for the plot keywords; fixed POD documentation. To implement correct displaying of special HTML symbols two new modules were added into dependencies […]

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Oracle date format and Perl

Oracle has its own date format – DD-MM-YY (24-sep-09). So, to insert a value into Oracle date field you should somehow convert date from your format. Sure it can be done using some date/time module or your own function. But there are two simpler ways – set desire date/time format for session or use Oracle date conversion function. To set specific date/time format for the […]

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Connect to Oracle DB from Perl script

After successful installation of DBD::Oracle it’s time to use it. The connection string is the same as for he rest DB: my $dbi = DBI->connect(“dbi:Oracle:$db_name:$db_host:$db_port”, $db_user, $db_pass); As result of running code above I got following error: Couldn’t connect to database db_name: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified (DBD ERROR: OCIServerAttach) After googling I found that the problem was that. I tried to […]

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Installing DBD::Oracle under Fedora 11

Recently I got a task which needs to communicate with database Oracle from Perl. Perl has an excellent database abstraction interface DBI. But for specific database it needs a driver – DBD module. To install DBD::Oracle you have to perform following simple steps: Download and install oracle-instantclient11.2-basic and oracle-instantclient11.2-devel RPMs from Instant Client Downloads for Linux x86 page. Export ORACLE_HOME: export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client/ Install DBD::Oracle using […]

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New version of IMDB::Film

Today a new version of IMDB::Film was released. There was added a new feature – list of recommended movies, and fixed a few bugs. The IMDB::Film 0.41 can be downloaded from the CPAN or installed using cpan utility. Report bugs, suggestions or feature requests via CPAN RT.

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