Next.js online conference – October 27, 2020

Next.js online conference – October 27, 2020

The first Next.js global user conference will take place online October 27, 2020. It’s free for everyone. So, do not miss it if you already use Next.js or just thinking about that.

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How to Build Your First SaaS

How to Build Your First SaaS

I remember the time when I was a part of the team to provide our web-based applications as service (SaaS). We had ideas, of course, based on our previous experience in the web development area. But it was really difficult to start. This time the situation is changed. Many web apps are SaaS-based now. And you can find not just short posts about SaaS but […]

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Move legacy PHP project to the modern Laravel ecosystem

Move legacy PHP project to the modern Laravel ecosystem

Legacy projects can be a pain – you have to not just support an old code but add new features. And at some point this may become a nightmare. However, there are many ways to upgrade it without full re-development at one time. One possible solution is to move such projects to the modern Laravel ecosystem as it’s described in this article. The idea behind […]

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React based a chatbot library

React based a chatbot library

The universal chatbot library based on React allows to create chatbots for Telegram, Slack and Facebook right now. Support of Whatsapp, Viber and VKontakte will be added soon.

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How to highlight SVN diff

By default Subversion shows diff without highlighting which makes a bit difficult review of big changes. But that situation can be changed extremely simple and fast. I assume you use Fedora 17. For the other distributions you need just use different package manager, choose correct package name and find configs in the proper places. First of all, install utility colordiff: sudo yum install colordiff Now […]

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Export result of query from mysql console to CSV file

Sure all GUI DB tools can do export of result of query into CSV file. But what if you have to do this from command line? There is a simple way perform that task. Here is an example: SELECT * INTO OUTFILE ‘/tmp/products.csv’ FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘,’ ENCLOSED BY ‘”‘ ESCAPED BY ‘\\’ LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\n’ FROM products When you run that query all […]

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Improve Your Perl Programming

Brian Foy – the author of Mastering Perl and one of the famous perlmonks, wrote an article on the ONLAMP where described five ways to improve Perl programming: Cleaning up your code – I also hate to read unformatted code -without tabs, proper style etc. Use configuration – sure, my favorite module – Config::General. Logging – log4perl should be used in all your applications. Persistence […]

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How to print PDF directly to the printer

We use following approach to build print view of documents in our web-based application. At the begging the document template is filled by real data and HTML page is generated. After that this page is sent to HTMLDOC which converts it into PDF. The users open the document via Acrobat plugin installed in the web browser. This approach has worked fine for years. But recently […]

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