Dropbox migrated from Nginx to Envoy

Dropbox migrated from Nginx to Envoy

Recently I came across an interesting article – “How we migrated Dropbox from Nginx to Envoy”. There are a few reasons for such complex and unobvious transformation:

Nginx served us well for almost a decade. But it didn’t adapt to our current development best-practices:
– Our internal and (private) external APIs are gradually migrating from REST to gRPC which requires all sorts of transcoding features from proxies.
– Protocol buffers became de facto standard for service definitions and configurations.
– All software, regardless of the language, is built and tested with Bazel.
– Heavy involvement of our engineers on essential infrastructure projects in the open source community.

If you want to get more details and discuss this topic with its author Oleg Guba do not miss the biggest Russian conference Highload 2020, November 9-10, 2020 in Scolkovo.

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