tar: Howto Exclude or Include Files

Recently I’ve had a little problem. I’ve needed to create an archive from some source directories but I’ve not needed to add in the archive some subdirectorives. I’ve made a quick search in Google and found an article “Telling tar Which Files to Exclude or Include”. Here is a short example:

$ find videoguide/ ! -type d -print | egrep '/,|%$|~$|.jpg$|.gif$|.png$' > /tmp/exclude_files

That command forms a list of excluded files and store it into temporary file.

$ tar vcfX ~/projects/arc/vg-19012004.tar /tmp/exclude_files

will remove files which listed into excluded_files from archive.

Updated: There is a more simple way to exclude file/dir from the archive. You can define a pattern in the command line instead of creation a file. Let’s image that we need to exclude Subversion directories from the archive:
tar vzcf my-project.tar.gz --exclude='.svn' ProjectDir
Note: you should always wrap the pattern by quotes!

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