Install VMware tools in Plutohome

Once I’ve installed Plutohome on VMware under Windows to have a possibility test it. Generally, it’s a good idea because it seems like you have two PCs instead of one πŸ™‚
After that I decided to install VMware tools for guest OS. It gives advanced features like set sceen resolution etc. There is a item in the main menu ‘Install VMware Tools’. I was confused a little bit because nothing happened after I chose it. It seems that reading of documentaion is extremely helpful πŸ˜‰ I found that VMware Tools package would apprear in the CDROM. Sure, I forgot to mount CDROM before I started view its data πŸ™‚ Anyway, after unpack tar archive I run ./ and answered on couple questions. I faced only one problem. There were not kernel headers ( which needed to install VMware Tools. I added a new path to the pluto debian package repository into apt source list (/etc/apt/sources.list):

deb replacements main

Also, I’m not familiar with Debian. It seems like all known stuff put into different places. For example, to see where RPM package files were installed under Fedore Core you need just run a following command:

rpm -ql <package name>

Under Debian everything is different:

dpkg -L <package name>

Finally I setup desire screen resolution and after reboot system I saw Pluto Orbiter! It was another one small victory πŸ™‚

Published by

Michael Stepanov

Site owner and admin :)

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