CakeFest 2011

I couldn’t participate CakeFest 2011 which was on September 1st – 4th in Manchester, UK. But at least I’d see slides of speeches. I found a few of them: Evented applications with RabbitMQ and CakePHP Really Rapid Admin Application Development Ch ch-changes cake php2 Tips of CakePHP and MongoDB Internationalizing your application Full-Stack CakePHP Deployment Going crazy with Node.JS and CakePHP Enjoy!

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Trick with variable name transformation in CakePHP

CakePHP is a good PHP MVC framework. You can study it easily and start developing web sites very fast. But it has some disadvantages, of course. One of them is strange rules for transformation variable name when it set in the controller. Statement $my_var = ‘Hello world!’; $this->set(‘my_var’, $my_var); will make the variable $my_var accessible in your view: <?php echo $my_var; ?> The phrase ‘Hello […]

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