How to get Mysql table structure via mysql shell
Note: it maybe useful if you need to copy existing table srtucture somewhere.
To do that just type:
show create table table_name;
For example, let’s run this command for table ‘test’:
mysql> show create table test;
and there is our result:
mysql> show create table test1; +-------+-------------------------------------+ | Table| Create Table | +-------+-------------------------------------+ | test1 | CREATE TABLE `test1` ( `f1` varchar(20) default NULL ) TYPE=MyISAM | +-------+-------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
But if the only thing that you need is the table’s structure and not the SQL statement to create it – the command DESCRIBE table seems much more convenient to me 8)
Yes, you are right. But I’m talking about getting a table structure from one database to create the same table in the another database. Probably I didn’t write clearly this moment 🙂
That was a usefull one!