Nokia 770 a firmware upgrade

Nokia 770

Nokia 770 developers promised to include next version of OS some usefull features such IM and VoIP client. Well, they did it in OS 2006. Moreover, existing owners of Nokia 770 can get it as upgrade. It allows to get new features without waste their customizations.

A new features in the OS 2006 edition include:

  • Pre-installed Google Talk
  • Free service lets users chat and speak
  • Interoperates with any Jabber-based chat client
  • Support standard SIP based VoIP clients for enterprise use ()
  • Enhanced text typing with full-screen finger keyboard
  • Improved memory performance
  • Refreshed look
  • Improved home view desktop applets for fast access to Internet services, such as searching Google

As benefit for using open source platform, Nokia get from Maemo community about 120 stable applications for the 770, including an instant messaging client based on GAIM. These are all available for download at no charge.

One response to “Nokia 770 a firmware upgrade”

  1. […] Back to OS 2005 Recently I decided to upgrade my Nokia 770 up to OS 2006. The procedure of upgrade is very simple. There is a Windows […]

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