PixelLetter is a service that prints out your mail in one of seven formats, and mailing it to the intended recipient on your behalf after charging you a minimal fee. It’s very useful if you don’t use post mail but your relatives or friends cannot read emails. This service is really needed in Russia where Internet doesn’t exists anywhere. Unfortunately, PixelLetter is currently limited to serving Germany only.
[via Ubergizmo]
Nice idea indeed!
Can’t agree – in Russia there’s enough internet for reading e-mails. Both my parents have broadband at home. And it’s getting better: you can have 7Gb per month @ 7Mbps for $35 in Moscow (that’s ADSL).
2 Alexey: when I said “Russia” I didn’t mean St Petersburg, Moscow or Kazan. How about small cities where mobile phones appeared last one-two years? Also, if you’re parents are familiar with computer it’s good. But if they’re not?
It’s useful service IMHO 🙂
No I understand that it can be useful! It’s just
doesn’t sound quite right to me. I don’t have any friend or relative in Russia who has no technical ability to connect to internet. Including people living in villages. Do you?
[…] Eindruck. (via Michael´s Tech blog, dort findet sich übrigens auch ein sehr schöner mail-to-snailmail-Service.) Share This
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