VIM and Mysql integration

I use VIM with additional configuration instead of IDE. That configuration includes code explorer using ctag, syntax checking for PHP and Perl and run Perl scripts (syntax highlighting is not a subject of discussion ;)). Also I should run Mysql queries often. So, I decided to add integration with Mysql to VIM. I managed to do that thanks to that simple solution. Just add this code to your .vimrc:
to select database:
map <C-d> :call SwitchDB()<CR>
:function SwitchDB()
: let g:current_db = input("Database > ")

to run query:

map <C-m> :call Doquery()<CR>
:function Doquery()
: if !exists("g:current_db")
: call SwitchDB()
: endif
: let query_string = input(g:current_db . " > " )
: if query_string != ""
: exe "!mysql " . g:current_db . " -e \"" . escape(query_string, '"') . "\""
: endif

So, when you press Ctrl-d the VIM gives you a prompt to type database name, Ctrl-m will run query. Sure you can use the your preferable combinations of keys. Also you may extend the login functionality by adding prompt for database host and user or hardcoded that information in the SwitchDB() function.

Using VIM to construct queries in the Mysql shell even much easier. Just specify VIM as default editor:
export EDITOR=vim
After that type \e in the Mysql shell. It’ll bring you VIM window where you’ll able to type your query. To finish with editing just type ZZ as usual. To run built query type ; and press Enter.

As result we’ll have possibility to run Mysql queries directly from VIM and using VIM to create queries in the Mysql shell.

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