Installation of Oracle client to Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid

Recently I moved from Fedora 13 to Ubuntu 10.04 on my work laptop. So, I faced again with problem to setup Oracle PHP interface. Oracle provides RPMs only and not DEBs. So, to install the client RPMs should be converted to the DEBs. It can be done easily using utility alien:
sudo alien oracle-instantclient11.1-basic-
sudo alien oracle-instantclient11.1-devel-
sudo alien oracle-instantclient11.1-sqlplus-

They can be installed then with sudo dpkg -i.
Don’t forget to install PHP interface to Oracle:
sudo pear install pecl/oci8
That’s it. I spent no more 15 minutes to setup PHP Oracle interface under Ubuntu. Thanks to that post!

2 responses to “Installation of Oracle client to Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid”

  1. […] blocks placed in high click … — Wed, 02 Jun 2010 07:36:42 -0700 Michael's Tech Blog » Installation of Oracle client to Ubuntu … So, I faced again with problem to setup Oracle PHP interface. Oracle provides RPMs only and not […]

  2. Thank YOU for this post it made my life, like, 2.000.000 times easier. 🙂

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