Yahoo! offers MovableType on its hosting
Yahoo! announces possibility to use MovableType on Yahoo! Small Business Web Hosting. I thought about using MovableType as en engine for my blog at the beggining because it’s developed on Perl. I like Perl and my work related with Perl. So, it’d be easy for me to customize my blog, develop new plugins and so on.
But there is a problem with MovableType license. It’s not GPL. So, I chose WordPress (thanks to Leonid Mamchenkov) and I don’t regret π
Rumor has it that Yahoo will also offer WordPress hosting soon… π
I’m not surprised. WordPress is the best solution for blogs IMHO. When Yahoo! will offer it on its hosting it’ll help people setup and use their blogs easier. But also, it’ll make promotion for Worpress. So, anyway it’s good for all π