Google Presentation is released

As many of you may know Google offers on-line versions of Word and Excel as Google Docs package. Recently new application was added there – Presentation. Now you can forget about MS Office completely. It’s so easy to create, modify or just view any well-known documents including presentations. The next step I guess will be a possibility to work with Google Docs off-line similar way […]

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Top 10 Linux Distributions for Audio Production

Here is a top 10 of Linux Distribution to make a professional Multimedia Stations: JackLab Audio Distribution Musix GNU+Linux Ubuntu Studio Linux MultiMedia Studio DeMuDI Dyne:bolic 64 Studio StartCom MultiMedia Edition APODIO m-dist So, you have enough alternatives to MS Windows based commercial software for professional music processing. [via]

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Smile Measurement Software

Omron released a very interesting piece of technology “Smile Measurement Software”. As you can see on the picture above the application is able to detect the smile factor of one or several people on a scale of 0% to 100%: “The software measures’ how much a subject is smiling and outputs a ‘smile factor’ on a scale of 0 to 100% 3D face mapping technology […]

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Find video with blinkx

Usually to search something in the web people use some keywords. Google provides an efficient way to make a search not only text documents but in the PDF, MS Word etc which are not readable without special applications. Now it’s time to search a video by words which occur there. Unfortunately, Google cannot help you but Blinkx can. Blinkx is the world’s largest and most […]

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Where did all my money go?

If you ask yourself that question every time at the end of month you need Expensr. Expensr is moder, free Web 2.0 service which gives you a simple way to keep a home bookkeeping. Debit, credit, charts and analysis help you save your money and know where they exactly go. You can make your data as a private or share and compare them with other […]

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Recycle bin for digital content

TEMPO is stylish and useful gadget for all who use computer. We all know that all deleted files are moved to the virtual recycle bin which actually a special directory in your OS. So, there is a way to recover data deleted by mistake. If you don’t clean your trash of course. TEMPO offers safer way to store your deleted stuff. Actually, it’s an external […]

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MOSH Beta by Nokia

Nokia lunched MOSH Beta – a content sharing site where community members upload, distribute and manage content to be viewed and enjoyed on mobile devices. The new service is oriented on Nokia mobile devices users only (to use it you have to install a special application on the your device). So, if you’re not Nokia fan this service is definitely not for your. But if […]

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YouTube video downloader and converter

Sometimes low bandwidth Internet connection hampers to enjoy videos from YouTube. offers a simple way not only download video from YuoTube but convert it into appropriate format: .wmv, .mov, .mp4, .3gp, .mp3, and .flv to allows watch it later on your PC, PSP, iPod or mobile phone. You may be interested to know about another ways to download YouTube Videos. [via Mashable!]

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