An obvious ad of company which produces security classes! But I suspect there are many hidden cameras and securities. P.S. There are real money, probably 😉
An obvious ad of company which produces security classes! But I suspect there are many hidden cameras and securities. P.S. There are real money, probably 😉
The most efficient way to remove leading zeros from some number is add to that number 0: 1 #! /usr/bin/perl -w 2 3 use strict; 4 use Benchmark; 5 6 my $test = ‘000000000000001’; 8 timethese shift, 9 { 10 Add => sub { my $num = $test; $num += 0 }, 11 Regex => sub { my $num = $test; $num =~ s/^0+// }, […]
Recently I’ve decided to repalce using substr by unpack when I need to split data which are presented in a row with specified order. But after that I’ve made a test to see what way is the most efficient. The test displays that unpack is slower than substr about 30%! But on the other hand unpack makes a code more compact and clear. So, if […]
Raritets of the USSR photo chronicles – Great Domestic War 1941-1945 is a set of inconceivable photos! Highly recomended!
“There is not a sex in USSR!” this is a slogan of USSR. Now Russian people are free from sexual prohibitions (too much somethimes). But the history is repeated. George W. Bush begins a public programe which popularizes sexual continence instead of to cultivate a sexual culture. It’s a real funny situation! Maybe after some time USA will be the same as USSR 🙂
Recently I’ve discovered a quite interesting site – It offers to LiveJournal users (and to others as well) 50Mb to upload pictures. It generates HTML code to include image into your LJ post for each picture from your collection. You can easily organize pictures in the folders, specify time when picture will be deleted, create thumbnails and HTML code for them and so on.
I’ve discovered an interesting site – “PANORAMIC PETERSBURG” which contains many panoramic photos of St Petersburg.