First images and music from Titan. Titan is a mysterious and interesting moon of Saturn. A spacecraft “Cassini-Huygens” reached Titan 14 January 2005.
First images and music from Titan. Titan is a mysterious and interesting moon of Saturn. A spacecraft “Cassini-Huygens” reached Titan 14 January 2005.
A short explanation about difference between BSD and GPL. It might be intersting for opensource developers and developers who use opensource software in their applications.
Howto easy configure a shell on your Linux machine using login scripts – Automating the Login Script.
Pentagon reveals rejected chemical weapons: Most bizarre among the plans was one for the development of an “aphrodisiac” chemical weapon that would make enemy soldiers sexually irresistible to each other. Provoking widespread homosexual behaviour among troops would cause a “distasteful but completely non-lethal” blow to morale, the proposal says. Well, I haven’t caught how will american soldiers escape from crowd of newly homosexuals? Another was […]
Some time ago I’ve used Windows and developed on Delphi but without some outstanding achievements. Delphi is quite good development environment but it’s commercial and it works only under Windows. Many of you know about Kilyx. It allows to develop on Delphi under Linux. But it’s again commercial software. Recently, I’ve found quite interesting project – Lazarus. This is a library for Free Pascal that […]
The Zend Studio Development Team is announced Zend Studio 4.0 Beta aimed for development applications using PHP. There are many useful features and also there is a version for Linux. But in my opinion VIM is the best editor of the world! contains free quick reference cards for free and open source software: Apache, mod_perl, Template Toolkit etc. Each card includes the most important commands and directives for specific software and is formatted as PDF file for A4, US Letter and column per page. Also, you can find some commercial quick reference cards here and here.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): World Time is site which can help you to know a time zone of some place and time there.