This will hopefully be our final Release Candidate, with a Full Release happening late next week. So, we are quite impatient for PostgreSQL 8.0.0!
This will hopefully be our final Release Candidate, with a Full Release happening late next week. So, we are quite impatient for PostgreSQL 8.0.0!
Scripting the Web with Python is an article written by Guido van Rossum who is author of the Python programming language. So, I think it will be very intersting to read information at first hand about using Python to develop web applications.
XML-RPC is set of implementations to call remote procedure over HTTP. It’s more clear and simple than SOAP. The article “Getting started with XML-RPC in Perl” helps you to quick start using XML::RPC in Perl.
I’ve found a quite interesting article “Web Service Integration Patterns” (part1, part2) written by Massimiliano Bigatti. There is an detailed explanation how to write a good web service on Java with many examples and schemes.
There was a 297th flood in St Petersburg yesterday. The water-level exceeded the limit on 2,39 meters. It was caused by the abrupt warming and the strong storm on Baltic Sea. You can see fotos here, here or here.
Recently I’ve found a quite intersting an article “How How a script becomes a module” written by brian_d_foy. The article is nice and useful but it can be stated in two lines: if you need a simple thing like dragonchild example: #!/bin/sh for file in $* do echo “$file” Perl -pi -e ‘s! (?= |$)! \N!g;s#\(?!N)#\\#g’ $file done Sure, it’s reasonable just copy that code […]
After an impetuous flight of popularity of Mozilla Firefox Internet edition “The Register” has published a list of Mozilla and Firefox flaws exposed. So, now Firefox comes up IE both number of users and quantity of critical essays.
A new version of popular web browser “Opera” came from Norway yesterday. It’s available to download here (Linux version). Please, read a Changelog here. I’d like to note to Linux downlad page. Now it contains a list of all available distribution vendor.