Passed LCCI Higher Exam

I’d like to congratulate my dear wife Maria who passed LCCI (London Chamber of Commerce and Industry International Qualifications) Higher Exam with credit! She’s studied for two years and finally she’s got that significant certificate! I’m very very proud of her achievements. And I love her very much!
Now Maria needs to have some rest. Because it’s difficult to study if you also should work at office and home.

Measurement of time with change Windows passwords

In our company all employees should change they Windows password every some small period to make a good security. Windows server remember 18(!) previous passwords. So, everybody spend some time to create a new one which shouldn’t similar as old one.
I work under Linux and get to know about my password going to expire or already has expired when I login to Windows terminal server or my email client doesn’t work (yes, it’s Exchange).
Today I’ve seen notice that my password will be expired after two days. I’ve decided to change it and put my the first password in the company. It was changed successful! So, the passwrd cyrcle was locked! I’ve started from the beggining!

The First SuperBingo Prize

Yesterday I and Maria played in SuperBingo. We ordered four cards (one for each color: green, yellow, blue and pink) by mobile phone . Our favourite color was yellow because we won with yellow card our first SuperBingo prize – 8CYP :). Remember that the first showball was won exactly on yellow card!
So, it was not bad: we spent 4CYP and won 8CYP. We were in profit! We will spend our prize on new cards and try one’s luck again!

Have a fun with nucleus comments

Today mornig when I came to the office I decided to clean spam comments from my blog. I already wrote a simple script which deletes comments by specific user name like ‘poker’, ‘online poker’ etc. But I made small changes in SQL query and made an error. As result I recovered all blog comments during two hours. It was good idea to print all messages marked as spam into log file. Otherwise, many comments would be lost 🙁
Also, it’s time to start make backup of blog.

Trip to Istael: Bethlehem


Last weekend I and Maria spent two days in cruise to Israel. First day we went to Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Our bus was the first tourist bus which went to Bethlehem during 4 years. It happened because Bethlehem is situated in Palestinian area and that area was closed for visitors.
It was amazing to see and touch and The Start of Bethlehem! The Star of Bethlehem which heralded about birth of Jesus is situated in the cave. The majestic and beautiful temple was built over the cave. This is a very old temple. There were two parts: one belongs to Orthodox and another – Armenian church. I’ve uploaded a couple of pictures. Others pictures are coming soon!
After that we went to Jerusalem …