Fixing color issue in Fedora 26, Chrome and external monitor

Fixing color issue in Fedora 26, Chrome and external monitor

If you use Chrome version 62 under Fedora 26 and realize the blue color becomes purple on your external monitor (laptop screen is fine) then welcome to the club! My first guessing was cable – changed it with the same result, then tried different monitors with different connection methods – VGA, HDMI, USB. No luck. Then I spent some time to check my video card, […]

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Google Chrome: hot or not?

Today Google is not just the best search engine in the world. It provides hosting for domain mail, on-line office, web mail service, RSS reader and much more. That’s why nobody was surprised when Google announced its web browser Chrome. Taking into account the quality of existing services people expect Chrome will be faster, more stable and more user friendly then Firefox or Opera. And […]

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