IMDB::Film-0.43 is released

I just released a fresh version of IMDB::Film module to grub movie metadata from There is not any new functionality in that release. Just bug fixes: fixed issue with plot retrieving; fixed retrieving of movie plot keywords; fixed parsing rating and top 250 or bottom 100 movie property; fixed issue with parsing AKA movie property; fixed bug with getting movie ID from cached paged; […]

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Perl, C++, mysql and UTF8

Recently I finished with Russian translation of LinuxMCE UI. But as I know now it was the easiest part. After addition Russian descriptions in the database I faced with problem of displaying them. I made a research and found following. To have UTF8 data in the mysql database a few steps should be done: default charset for server should be set to utf8 in the […]

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IMDB::Film v0.42 is out!

I just released a new version of IMDB::Film – 0.42. Following changes were done since previous version: added retrieving of plot keywords for the film; fixed issue with retrieving of movie’s plot contained links; fixed issue with displaying special HTML symbols; added test for the plot keywords; fixed POD documentation. To implement correct displaying of special HTML symbols two new modules were added into dependencies […]

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Oracle date format and Perl

Oracle has its own date format – DD-MM-YY (24-sep-09). So, to insert a value into Oracle date field you should somehow convert date from your format. Sure it can be done using some date/time module or your own function. But there are two simpler ways – set desire date/time format for session or use Oracle date conversion function. To set specific date/time format for the […]

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Connect to Oracle DB from Perl script

After successful installation of DBD::Oracle it’s time to use it. The connection string is the same as for he rest DB: my $dbi = DBI->connect(“dbi:Oracle:$db_name:$db_host:$db_port”, $db_user, $db_pass); As result of running code above I got following error: Couldn’t connect to database db_name: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified (DBD ERROR: OCIServerAttach) After googling I found that the problem was that. I tried to […]

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Installing DBD::Oracle under Fedora 11

Recently I got a task which needs to communicate with database Oracle from Perl. Perl has an excellent database abstraction interface DBI. But for specific database it needs a driver – DBD module. To install DBD::Oracle you have to perform following simple steps: Download and install oracle-instantclient11.2-basic and oracle-instantclient11.2-devel RPMs from Instant Client Downloads for Linux x86 page. Export ORACLE_HOME: export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client/ Install DBD::Oracle using […]

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New version of IMDB::Film

Today a new version of IMDB::Film was released. There was added a new feature – list of recommended movies, and fixed a few bugs. The IMDB::Film 0.41 can be downloaded from the CPAN or installed using cpan utility. Report bugs, suggestions or feature requests via CPAN RT.

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