Amazing molding of flash stick

One Russian skilled craftsman made that amazing flash stick. Here you can see all stages creation of such thing. [via Technabob]

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From Russia with love

A set of photos from Russia where that winter is very cold in some areas. As you might see the temperature is -50 degrees! Once when I lived in the Russian North there was -48C. It was very cold but much better (thanks to low level of humidity) then -20C in St. Petersburg.

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Russian Duma in action

The main target of Russian Duma (Russian parliament) is a passing of new lows or modification old ones. You can see some of the new representatives in action.

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Another way to meet your Russian classmates

Leonid blogged a few times about Russian social network Basically, it’s good place to find your classmates from school, college, university or coworkers from the previous places of work. But personally I don’t like the way how it’s done and stability of that service. I found alternative service which is much better and reliable. It’s It looks similar to very popular Facebook and […]

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