Skype for Linux with video support

Recently I installed the latest Skype for Linux ( on my both systems: Fedora 8 and Kubuntu 7.04. I was surprised because the video calls really work. We talked with one of my friends about 40 minutes (he uses Windows). The quality of sound and picture is good (we both have DSL Internet connection). Not sure how it’ll be for dial-up. Currently I cannot test […]

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Sony Mylo 2

Since the first release of Sony’s personal WiFi communicator it was improved a lot. The Mylo 2 has a 4.5-inch 800 x 450 touchscreen, 1GB of internal memory and a 1.3-megapixel camera. MiniUSB port or WiFi can be used for communication with the world. The installed software includes following: Flash Lite 3 for online video (such as YouTube and Google Video), a Netfront-based browser, IM […]

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As you may know Twitter allows to post and receive messages via web interface, IM and SMS. Recently I configured my Psi to use twitter over GTalk. Today I found a way to integrate Skype with Twitter – Twitter4Skype. According to Japanese receipt you have to add an user Twitter4Skype into your Skype contact list, open a chat with it and send command #account Twitter […]

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Skype promotion

Well-known software for IP telephony Skype does an interesting promotion in Tallin, Estonia. There are a couple trams. The Skype Trams. Where you can ride for free. As you can talk for free using Skype. It’s cool isn’t it?

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