SourceForge was upgraded

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Many of you know the best resource for hosting of open source projects. Sure, it’s SourceForge.
Recently, sourceforge team has upgraded server software.

Old configuration: Debian Potato Linux, kernel 2.4.x, GNU libc 2.2.1, Apache 1.3.26, Perl 5.005_03, PHP 4.1.2, Python 1.5.2, Tcl 8.0
New Configuration: Fedora Core 2 Linux, kernel 2.6.x, GNU libc 2.3.3, Apache 2.0.51, Perl 5.8.3, PHP 4.3.8, Python 2.3.3, Tcl 8.4.5.
For more details, see here.
Hope that this upgrade will allow Sourceforge to be some better!