Daylight Saving Time


I had very strange problem today morning with convetion string to date. I’ve spent about 2 ours before I found what was a problem. The problem became apparent because we put a clock one hour back. But our DateTime module uses difference between local time and G.M.T. So, for all dates which are creater than 31/10/04 it works correct, but for other it returns wrong date (minus one day). So, I needed to find formula to calculate period of Daylight Saving Time and I found quite good resource – Daylight Saving Time. You can read there about history of Daylight Saving Time, its utility and etc.

What your choice of Linux distribution says about you

RedHat Logo

What your choice of Linux distribution can say about you? Interesting? Let’s see RedHat:
“Red Hat is not synonymous with Linux, but many of its users believe that it is. Long the king of the Linux street, Red Hat is most popular with middle-of-the-road types who always end up following along with the crowd, even when everyone in the crowd is wearing a silly hat. Red Hat is very strict about the licensing of the apps it includes with the distribution, but doesn’t seem to mind abandoning customers who are not large corporations.”
Try to find your Linux distribution 🙂