IMDB::Film 0.05 is released.

I’ve released a new version of IMDB::Film – Perl interface to the movie database
– added possibility to retrieve a full movie plot;
– fixed a bug with extraction movie title and production data in case of search movie by its title or fragmet of title;
– fixed bugs with test.
IMDB::Film can be downloaded from CPAN and Sourceforge.

Linus Torvalds Birthday

Happy birthday to Linux Torvalds, creator of Linux!

In 1991 Linus Torvalds was a college student at the University of Helsinki. Based on a Unix system, he wrote the kernel — original code — for a new system for his x86 PC that was later dubbed Linux (pronounced linn-ucks). Torvalds revealed the original source code for free — making him a folk hero among programmers — and users around the world continue to tweak it. Linux is considered the leader in the practice of allowing users to re-program their own operating systems.

Thanks, Linus! Wish you every success!