15 Firefox hacks to Pimp up Google Reader

Google Reader is enough power tool to read and manage your RSS subscriptions on-line. But it also can be improved to provide additional functionality with help you be more productivity with Reader. Library clips gives 15 receipts to pimp up the Google Reader. Those receipts are based on Firefox and Greasemonkey – tool which allows to customize the way a webpage displays using small bits of JavaScript. So, if you’re IE or Opera fan they definitely are not for you. The most interesting IMHO Google Reader + Twitter, Google Reader + del.icio.us, Google Reader’s BlogThis2Me and Integrate Google Reader with Gmail. So, feel free to grub appropriate hack for you!

P. S. I found very annoying POP-up snap-shot adds on the Library clips. I understand that the blog should work for money as well but it’s very difficult to read articles when those dummy POP-ups appear for every link.

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