Trip to Italy

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At the beginning of that month we had a vacation in Italy. It was really nice trip. We flew to Roma at 4th August and stayed there three nights. During that time we visited Pompei, Napoli and had full day in Rome. After that we went to Florence and passed Siena and Pisa. Next day we spent in beautiful Florence and next morning we went to Venice. On that way we visited Sirmione and the place where lived Romeo and Juliet Verona. The last day we walked in small city Padua near Venice and at the evening flew back to Larnaca.

For the 8 days we passed about 1500 kilometers! Sure we tired a bit but the we enjoyed the trip very much. Italy is a beautiful place. There are a lot of amazing, legendary places. But Venice is something special! I cannot describe our filling when we walked there or glided in a gondola. It was like a dream. We’d like to return back and spend more time in Rome and Venice.

We made about 1000 photos during our trip. So, I need a time to process them. After that I’ll upload to Picasa the best ones.

2 responses to “Trip to Italy”

  1. Alexey says:

    Congratulations! Finally you’ve made it out of the copper island to see the rest of Europe! Next time try a ride along southern coast of France. Should be equally legendary and beautiful.

  2. Thanks 🙂 We’re thinking about France 🙂

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