Upgrade to Fedora Core 5

After upgrade to Fedora Core 5 I spent one-two days to resolve some problems. First were are the same as after upgrade to Fedora Core 4. Sure I supposed that Fedora is too crude and it was my choice 🙂

1. Embperl
New Feodra contains latest Apache and mod_perl. As I understand Embperl development team didn’t follow them. That’s why after upgrade Embperl-based web applications give Segmentation fault. There is a patch to compile correctly Embperl with Apache 2.2 (I got it from Embperl maillist and just formatted it and stored in the separate files). But it didn’t solve my problem. I sent stackbacktrace to Gerald Richter but he didn’t answer me yet.

2. SugarCRM

PHP applications worked fine after upgrade except SugarCRM. It gave me Segmentation fault after submit the login form. One guy from SugarCRM forum suggested me to replace a new PHP.INI by previous one. After that SugarCRM started work correctly. I don’t know what exactly was wrong with PHP and SugarCRM but I don’t have a time and a desire to dig it.


When I run a system utility system-config-securitylevel and tried to disable SELINUX it gave me a following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/system-config-securitylevel/securitylevel.py", line 240, in okClicked
rc = self.apply()
File "/usr/share/system-config-securitylevel/securitylevel.py", line 402, in apply
File "/usr/share/system-config-securitylevel/selinuxPage.py", line 379, in apply
File "/usr/share/system-config-securitylevel/selinuxPage.py", line 371, in getType
return self.types[self.selinuxTypeOptionMenu.get_active()]
IndexError: list index out of range

Following packages should be installed to avoid this error and run system-config-securitylevel correctly:

  • selinux-policy-targeted
  • selinux-policy-strict

About Java

Personally I don’t like Java because it seems like a just product of high-quality PR. I don’t want to minimize the Java importance. it’s an excellent solution for certain goals but it isn’t unique, it isn’t absolutely universal! Hovewer, Java adherents think differently. From their point of view there are not anything noteworthy except perfect, brilliant, ideal Java! James Gosling – father of Java confirmed this thesis in his interview speach at Sun’s World Wide Education & Research Conference: “Java Is Under No Serious Threat From PHP, Ruby or C#”. One of many discussions can be found there. Dear Java-programmers, please, be more modest. Other programming languages are not so weak and useless as you can think 😉

Why I hate SugarCRM

I’ve worked for a half of year with SugarCRM and I haven’t changed my mind about it. It looks nice from the outside and crude inside (as most of others popular PHP applications). For example, it’s a good idea to check of application version. Let’s see how it was implemented in SugarCRM. First of all, the version is stored in the database: table name is ‘config’. Also, you can find the version of SugarCRM in the config.php and there is a special PHP script – sugar_version.php which contains the version again. And finally, I found version checking in the index.php:

$result = $current_user->db->query("SELECT * FROM config
WHERE category='info' AND name='sugar_version' AND value LIKE '3.5%'");

How do you think is it right way to check of version? I don’t think so.
Continue reading Why I hate SugarCRM

Grub is really cool!

AS I already wrote I made a small upgrade of my home PC: I boutgh LCD display and new hard drive. I installed the hard drive as a master and an old one as slave. The problem was I had two OS on the old disk – Linux and Windows and used GRUB as boot loader. After adding new hard disk and installing Windows there I couldn’t boot Linux anymore. I had to change boot options in BIOS to boot from slave disk and use Linux. It was terrible! Thanks to Yoshinori K. Okuji for excellent tool GRUB. I just loaded GRUB shell:
[root@maverik ~]$ grub
chose root (hd0 – master, hd1 – slave, but because I booted from slave it’s hd0 and master – hd1):

grub> root (hd0,5)
Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83

and copied GRUB files to the master hard drive:

grub> setup (hd1,5)

As result I can boot new or previous version of Windows and Linux! Thanks to GRUB and Linux 🙂

Прогулка по Аматусу

Ð’ один из ясных, зимних. воскресных дней мы с Марьей решили таки прогуляться по Аматусу – официально признанному старейшему поселению киприотов. Естественно мы захватили с собой камеру и после очень продолжительного нефотографирования насщелкали несколько кадров. Место действительно очень красивое. Отличный вид на Лимассол и орестности будет наградой за доаольно крутой и продолжительный подъем на холм, где собственно и располагался древний АматУс. Наверху – традиционные развалины, однако очень сильно поразила отлично сохранившаяся чаша. Ð’ общем рекомендую в качестве прогулки забраться туда – и эстетическое наслаждение, и физическая нагрузка в одном 🙂