Fix for WP plugin Flickr Photo Album

I use the WP plugin Flickr Photo Album a few years. Together with Firefox plugin Fotofox it makes inserting procedure of images into posts very simple. However, I found a problems with that plugin recently. I couldn’t activate it anymore. The page is just reloaded and plugin’s status remained ‘Inactive’. This simple modification fixes the problem. In the file tantan-flickr/flickr/class-admin.php change add_action to register_activation_hook function as follows.

add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'addhooks'));
//add_action('activate_tantan-flickr/flickr.php', array(&$this, 'activate'));
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array(&$this, 'activate'));
//add_action('deactivate_tantan-flickr/flickr.php', array(&$this, 'deactivate'));
register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, array(&$this, 'deactivate'));
add_action('load-upload.php', array(&$this, 'addPhotosTab'));

Flickr Photo Album for WordPress 2.5

WP Flickr Album Plug-in

After upgrading my WordPress to version 2.5 one thing makes me unhappy. The Flickr Photo Album plug-in didn’t work there. I use Photofox to upload pictures to Flickr and The Flickr Photo Album plug-in to insert uploaded images with appropriate size to the post. But finally Joe Tan has managed to integrate his plug-in to the WP 2.5 (many thanks to Joe for his work!). The latest version 0.96 works pretty good. But the WP doesn’t show you that this plug-in has a new version. So, visit Joe’s web site, download the latest version, install the plug-in and enjoy!

Moving photoalbum to the Flickr

I started thinking about moving my photo album to the Flickr. It’s good idea. Especially because Flickr offers an excellent integration with WordPress. To insert a bar with your Flickr photos into your blog you can easily use badge. Passed just six simple steps you’ll get HTML-code with customized view to insert it into blog. It may be used to notify blog-readers about your new photos.
To integrate Flickr albums belonged to you use Flickr Photo Album plugin for WordPress. It allows to embed your sets into wordpress design. This is definitely what I need. I’m going to buy pro account and start to moving all my photos right after my vacation.