IMDB::Film-0.43 is released

I just released a fresh version of IMDB::Film module to grub movie metadata from There is not any new functionality in that release. Just bug fixes: fixed issue with plot retrieving; fixed retrieving of movie plot keywords; fixed parsing rating and top 250 or bottom 100 movie property; fixed issue with parsing AKA movie property; fixed bug with getting movie ID from cached paged; […]

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IMDB::Film v0.42 is out!

I just released a new version of IMDB::Film – 0.42. Following changes were done since previous version: added retrieving of plot keywords for the film; fixed issue with retrieving of movie’s plot contained links; fixed issue with displaying special HTML symbols; added test for the plot keywords; fixed POD documentation. To implement correct displaying of special HTML symbols two new modules were added into dependencies […]

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New version of IMDB::Film

Today a new version of IMDB::Film was released. There was added a new feature – list of recommended movies, and fixed a few bugs. The IMDB::Film 0.41 can be downloaded from the CPAN or installed using cpan utility. Report bugs, suggestions or feature requests via CPAN RT.

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Check password quality with Perl

When you manage some serious system where users can change their passwords you’ll face with problem of quality of those passwords. There is a Perl module – Data::Password, which may do all work to check user passwords: length or the number of character groups. Also, it’s possible to make more complicated checking: the password does not contain the same chars repeatedly or ascending or descending […]

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