Coffee still life

What does mean brown cap with brown pen on the top of coffee machine?

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Green office space

After human polluted the Earth they started think about environment friendly solutions. Here is a good example of Green Office: Each UV-resistant window pane has a blind so you can work without glare on part of the workspace but still maintain the light and view. Those are Eames Aluminum Group chairs in the original wacky green. Nice view by the way. But the chars don’t […]

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Google Presentation is released

As many of you may know Google offers on-line versions of Word and Excel as Google Docs package. Recently new application was added there – Presentation. Now you can forget about MS Office completely. It’s so easy to create, modify or just view any well-known documents including presentations. The next step I guess will be a possibility to work with Google Docs off-line similar way […]

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