Check password quality with Perl

When you manage some serious system where users can change their passwords you’ll face with problem of quality of those passwords. There is a Perl module – Data::Password, which may do all work to check user passwords: length or the number of character groups. Also, it’s possible to make more complicated checking: the password does not contain the same chars repeatedly or ascending or descending […]

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Perl and BIG projects

I came across this post on Perlmonks. One monk asked other monks about examples of BIG project based on Perl. I don’t want to digg thesis “BIG project” because, in my mind, a measurement of the project quantity in the number of lines is not so accurate. The main problem when we’re talking about Perl and Enterprise applications is in lack of knowledge of appropriate […]

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Perl and operator SWITCH

As you may know Perl doesn’t contain a SWITCH control operator. Instead, there are many ways to create SWITCH. This is a good and bad. Yesterday I fixed a bug in our Billing System related with custom implementation of SWITCH operator. Image we have a code like that: my $var1 = ”; my $var2 = ”; SWITCH: { # the first option $var1 = 11; […]

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Upload files to web with FileChucker

FileChucker is a Perl script supported Ajax which cab be used to upload and manage files on the web site. It includes a real-time progress bar, a built-in password protection, E-mail notification about new uploads, automatically replacement of any “unfriendly” characters, a possibility to work over SSL, an adjustable max upload size. The FileChucker can be easyly integrated with existing web application even it’s based […]

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Web, Perl and Ajax

I don’t like JavaScript. I prefer server-side technologies because they give a confidence in the correct work on any client PC. You cannot have the same confidence with JavaScript functionality. It has dependences on browser type, set browser options and many others conditions on the client-side. Hovewer, web 2.0 brought the modern realisation of client technology based on JavaScript – Ajax. Using Ajax it’s possible […]

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Mosaic images and video with Perl

Perl is cool and geek! You can do many thing using it and not just simple scripts. You have to just know how to do it. Tomorrow I found two articles on “Create mosaic images with Perl and ImageMagick” and “Create mosaic movies with Perl, ImageMagick, and MPlayer“. Source code is available for both articles.

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Perl with taste of Strawberry

Perl developers who work under Windows didn’t have possibility to install XS CPAN modules directly from CPAN. I used a command nmake from MS Visual Studio to do it. The project Strawberry Perl which is a part of Vanilla Perl Project changed this situation: The purpose of the Strawberry Perl series is to provide a practical Win32 Perl environment for experienced Perl developers to experiment […]

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Lost in Translation

Today I tryed to implement a functionality to create some CRM entities from email. I needed to retrieve an email, first name and last name (if possible) and body of the email. The last name is a mandatory property. I made a mistake when I used perlish style to initialize the last name: preg_match(‘/\”(.*)\”\s+\< (.*)\>/’, $from, $from_arr); $names = preg_split(‘/\s+/’, $from_arr[1]); $email = $from_arr[2]; $first_name […]

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