Fix for WP plugin Flickr Photo Album

I use the WP plugin Flickr Photo Album a few years. Together with Firefox plugin Fotofox it makes inserting procedure of images into posts very simple. However, I found a problems with that plugin recently. I couldn’t activate it anymore. The page is just reloaded and plugin’s status remained ‘Inactive’. This simple modification fixes the problem. In the file tantan-flickr/flickr/class-admin.php change add_action to register_activation_hook function […]

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Google Gears brings Web 2.0 to offline

Google released an open source toolkit for offline web apps – Google Gears: It provides 3 significant components to the browser ecosystem. A multithreaded javascript environment, which provides a restricted background taks JavaScript environment for accessing remote data source without blocking the main UI. Adding support for local data storage is a new set of javascript APIs. The storage support transactional data based on SQLite. […]

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Spam protected contact form

Recently I started to receive a lot of spam messages from contact form of my blog. It really makes me crazy! I hate spam and I hate spammers! Great plugin SpamKarma protects my posts but it doesn’t do anything with contact form. So, I googled it and found a patched version of Ryan Duff’s plugin. There is a customized question which helps to identify a […]

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GeoPress Adds Maps to WordPress

GeoPress plugin was released yesterday. It allows to to embed locations and maps in a WordPress blogs without coding: As evidenced by the remarkable adoption of geocoding in Flickr (over 4 million photos have been geo-tagged in just over 3 weeks) people want to add this data to their content. GeoPress enables that for a WordPress blog. It allows the user to easily add maps […]

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