Scribd – “YouTube for Documents”

Scribd, a site for sharing documents, is coming out of private beta this week:

Scribd is most easily described as a text version of YouTube. It is a social network that lets you tag, share, and comment on uploaded documents (.doc, .pdf, .txt, .ppt, .xls, .ps, .lit).

Documents can be displayed and embedded as HTML or the under-utilized, and faster-than-a-PDF, Flash paper format. They can be downloaded as .pdf’s, .docs, .txt, and even .mp3 files. The MP3 version is created by Scribd’s text-to-speech package (powered by Nuance) that lets you listen to the text of your document in a quivering British accent

[via TechCrunch]

Yet another blogging service

VOX Logo
The company Six Apart, which gave online community TypePad, Movable Type and Livejounal, is going to release a new web service – VOX. What is the VOX? VOX is the place where you can blog, store and share photos, ideas, mood. It allows to keep all your favorite stuff in one place.
Submit your email to get VOX invitation here.

The future of social web apps

I came across this article published on I found there many ideas which are similar to mine:

Like you, I’ve got a million things to do and I’m constantly battling to keep on top of my inbox and RSS reader. The last thing I want to do is add another thing to that already-way-too-long list.

I like web services such Flickr,, Gmail, Bloglines but I don’t use their social part too much. Maybe I’m not so social person or maybe I don’t have enough time.
Anyway, the article is useful to understand a conception of social (and not social) web apps in the future. Moreover, there are a few new services which can be interesting for you. For myself I discovered Netvibes – amazing place which may agregate a lot of others web services, LinkedIn – resource for linking with business partners and Basecamp – service, developed by 37signals and offered TODO list, file sharing and more. But last one has too expensive price for me.