VIM and Mysql integration

I use VIM with additional configuration instead of IDE. That configuration includes code explorer using ctag, syntax checking for PHP and Perl and run Perl scripts (syntax highlighting is not a subject of discussion ;)). Also I should run Mysql queries often. So, I decided to add integration with Mysql to VIM. I managed to do that thanks to that simple solution. Just add this […]

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Perl, C++, mysql and UTF8

Recently I finished with Russian translation of LinuxMCE UI. But as I know now it was the easiest part. After addition Russian descriptions in the database I faced with problem of displaying them. I made a research and found following. To have UTF8 data in the mysql database a few steps should be done: default charset for server should be set to utf8 in the […]

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IMDB::Film v0.42 is out!

I just released a new version of IMDB::Film – 0.42. Following changes were done since previous version: added retrieving of plot keywords for the film; fixed issue with retrieving of movie’s plot contained links; fixed issue with displaying special HTML symbols; added test for the plot keywords; fixed POD documentation. To implement correct displaying of special HTML symbols two new modules were added into dependencies […]

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Maemo CTags package

Recently I built Exuberant Ctags package for OS2008. It might be useful for all who develop directly under Scratchbox using VIM. Ctags offers a possibility to explore methods from the opened files similar way as IDE (see screen-shot). The CTag package can be found on the download page under section Packages for Nokia770/N800/N810. The config file for VIM with supporting of CTags can be downloaded […]

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Eclipse plugins for Maemo Development

Maemo Team recently released a set of plug-ins for Maemo Eclipse integration. It allows developers to use Eclipse IDE to develop and test Maemo applications. Actually, the set contains following parts: maemo PC Connectivity, maemo ESBox plugin for Eclipse IDE and maemo Pluthon plugin for Eclipse IDE. Maemo PC connectivity makes connection between developer PC and Internet Tablet. Maemo ESBox plugin for Eclipse IDE integrates […]

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Perl on Rails

BBC developers has announced its own Perl MVC framework – Perl on Rails. As you can understand from its name the new framework is similar to Ruby on Rails. The BBC Programmes was developed using the Perl on Rails. Actually, there is a few Perl MVC frameworks like Catalyst, Ganty, Maypole or Jifty. If Perl on Rails will be released as open source it’ll make […]

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Accessing the Nokia N800 camera

Linux-based Internet Tablet Nokia N800 is very popular. Even coming N810 is not going to replace it completely (I’m not talking about windows-based Origami). Using Maemo SDK it’s fairly simple develop new applications or porting existing ones. For sure to be success you need a right documentation. Following article from explains obviously how to use N800 camera API. P. S. The easiest way IMHO […]

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Qtopia Greenphone

The well-known company Trolltech, which develops Qt, has announced his Qtopia Greenphone. This smartphone is unique because it’s open for development and upload new mobile applications. The specification is quit similar to others: quad band GSM/EDGE handset that boasts a QVGA touch screen display, 1.3-megapixel camera, 317MHz XScale processor, 128MB ROM, 64MB RAM, Bluetooth, and a miniSD card slot. Greenphone will ship with source code […]

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