Useful Perl modules: Graph::Easy

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Talk with you PC

If you’d like to control your Linux PC using voice commands than Perlbox Voice is what do you need. It’s a pure Perl application which features: Text to speech (Thanks to the Festival speech synthesizer) Voice control to open user specified applications. For example, if you say “Web”, the Perlbox-Voice Control will open the browser of your choice. Desktop plugins to control your Linux desktop […]

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Improve Your Perl Programming

Brian Foy – the author of Mastering Perl and one of the famous perlmonks, wrote an article on the ONLAMP where described five ways to improve Perl programming: Cleaning up your code – I also hate to read unformatted code -without tabs, proper style etc. Use configuration – sure, my favorite module – Config::General. Logging – log4perl should be used in all your applications. Persistence […]

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Perl Oneliner: Recursive Search and Replace

I like Perl and I use it every day. It’s cool to make a simple scripts in one line to do some routine work. For example, my first Perl oneliner formats Apache log to be easy readable. Here is another good example of Perl onliner (it isn’t my actually). It makes a recursive search and replacement: Perl -p -i -e ‘s/oldstring/newstring/g’ `grep -ril oldstring *` […]

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Embperl and %ENV

Recently I faced with problem to incorrect displaying none-latin characters on the HTML page generated by Embperl. This happened because Embperl escapes all output symbols by default. To avid it it’s needed to specify a parameter EMBPERL_OUTPUT_ESC_CHARSET = 0. For web application is works fine because Embperl check %ENV and changes its parameters according to it. But if you need to run Embperl script from […]

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use Net::Stomp

Some of you know about ActiveMQ – an open source (Apache 2.0 licensed) Java Message Service 1.1 (JMS) message broker packed with many enterprise features. One of the way to communicate with it from none-Java programm languages is STOMP (Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol). STOMP is very simple and looks like HTTP-protocol. Perl has at least two ways to communicate with ActiveMQ over STOMP: Net::Storm […]

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Develop right CGI scripts

I came across Ovid’s CGI Course. It’s definitely good tutorial. Both experts and beginners will find there something interesting and helpful. I found the third part – Basic Security the most important and interesting for me. I’d like to add that you can find many useful extensions for CGI like CGI::Forms, for example. This module will do all routine work for you to produce web […]

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