Newton with Apple notebook, ATM on the Wild West and other unreal pictures you can see on It’s so funny site 🙂
Newton with Apple notebook, ATM on the Wild West and other unreal pictures you can see on It’s so funny site 🙂
First, I’m glad to see that GNOME 2.8 was released today! Congratulations to GNOME 2 developer team! All of you know that many projects have some relations with GNOME 2 and you should have latest version of GNOME 2 to develop your applications. You can get and build latest version of GNOME 2 by the many ways: 1) Use GARNOME. 2) Use jhbuild. 3) Checkout […]
I’d like to congratulate all programmers with our day! I wish you clear code and minimum bugs! Cheers!!! Programmer’s Day is a whimsical “holiday” on the 256th day of the year celebrated mostly by computer programmers. The reason for this is that 256 is equal to 2 to the power of 8, which is equal to the number of values that it is possible to […]
I’ve updated Limassol cinema schedule. There are two new movies! First is very funny (I think) movie about the laziest cat in the world. Summary: Jon Arbuckle buys a second pet, a dog named Odie. However, Odie is then abducted and it is up to Jon’s cat, Garfield, to find and rescue the canine. Second one is a very very scary film about some boy […]
To allow uploading files to web server via HTTP we should: 1) create web page with form: <form action=’my_script.epl’ method=POST enctype="multipart/form-data" > <input type=’hidden’ name=’action’ value=’upload’ /> <input type=’file’ name=’my_file’ size=’20’ /> < input type=’submit’ name=’submit’ value=’Upload’ /> </form> Pay attention to enctype! If you define it not correct you will not be able to get file handler after submitting your form.
I’ve released a new version of module IMDB::Film – Perl extension to grub movies information from I’d like to say thanks Jeff Anderson for his interest in that module and appropriate suggestions to improve its functionality. You can download this version from CPAN and test it.
From Ohio to Connecticut to Texas to Washington, D.C., Bush men and women have, over the past one hundred years, made millions of dollars, dominated our government, and created a legacy unlike any other twentieth– and twenty–first–century family. Prescott Bush was a two–time senator from Connecticut who had the ear of Dwight D. Eisenhower and tangled with Joe McCarthy. His son George H. W. was […]
I’ve have updated Limassol cinema schedule (see here) and new movie of the week is “Fahrenheit 9/11”. In this film, muckraker Michael Moore turns his eye on George W. Bush and his War on Terrorism agenda. He illustrates his argument about how this failed businessman with deep connections to the royal house of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the Bin Ladins got elected on fraudulent […]